La Spezia railway open with reduced operations, Parma is expected to reopen

La Spezia railway open with reduced operations, Parma is expected to reopen

The circulation has been partially reestablished in La Spezia and Parma will reopen soon

Update: 22.07.2024

La Spezia railway restarted operations after the accident on 17 July. Nevertheless, traffic is still limited.

The Parma railway, on the other side, is expected to reopen tomorrow.

Update: 19.07.2024

Rail services to and from La Spezia have been interrupted due to damage to the railway in La Spezia Marittima, on 17 July. The rail operator (RFI) has not yet released any communication about the restoration of connections. Kuehne+Nagel reports the rail outage could impact export port operations.

More information can be found in our advisory

Update: 15.07.2024

The Italian authorities have closed the area around Parma due to a rail accident that damaged the railway infrastructure. Significant delays and restricted movements of containers from and to nearby ports are expected until 21 July.

As advised in the article below, civil works are planned in August at several rail connections in Italy. Rail transport services are expected to be disrupted until 9 September.

Rail connection to/from Genoa Port

Rail connections in Genoa are also affected by civil works in July and August as follows:

  • PSA Genoa Prà Terminal: Between 6 July and 4 August, 40’HC capacity will be limited and restricted. Rail connections will stop completely between 10 and 18 August. The Genoa ↔Milan corridor will be operated by truck only.

  • PSA Sech Terminal: The closure of the rail junction between 5 August and 8 September will halt rail connections to the terminal. All movements to/from the terminal will be done by truck only.

  • GPT Terminal: The closure of the rail junction between 5 August and 8 September will halt rail movements at the terminal. From 26 July onwards, no pick-up/delivery will be accepted as a rail service. All operations to/from the terminal could be performed by truck only.

Consequently, the lack of rail service and the limited availability of alternate rail routes will restrict truck availability.

Lastly, Kuehne+Nagel reports inland terminals near Milan (but not limited to the area) are congested. Considering the reduced rail connection to/from Genoa port, delays can be expected.

Find more details in our advisory, or reach out to your local Kuehne+Nagel partner.

Original article: 02.07.2024

Italy authorities are planning civil works on several rail connections in August.

The upcoming works will result in temporary closures of some intermodal connections to/from the following ports and internal junctions:

  • Trieste: The rail connection will be closed between the 15 and 19 August.
  • Milano Segrate: The rail connection will be closed between the 10 and 26 August.
  • Milano Bologna: The rail connection will be closed between 12 and 19 August. Please note that circulation will be allowed during night hours only.
  • Verona Vicenza: The rail connection will be closed between 12 and 19 August.
  • Bologna Firenze: The rail connection will be closed between 9 June and 9 September.

These closures are expected to disrupt cargo movement.

Container transport by rail to and from the ports mentioned above is expected to experience delays during the closure periods.

For more details, please reach out to your local Kuehne+Nagel partner.

Source: Kuehne+Nagel