South Korean rail workers start a strike in Ulsan

South Korean rail workers start a strike in Ulsan

No end date to the strike was announced and container transport disruption to Ulsan Port is expected

Unionized freight workers started a strike today, 21 March 2024, at 14:00 local time in the coastal city of Ulsan.

Several labour unions plan to participate in the strike, including the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU), the Public Service and Transport Workers' Union (KPTU), and Freight Solidarity Headquarters.

According to Crisis24, around 2,500 workers will participate in the action to demand labour rights impacting all drivers at Korea Alcohol Industries. 

So far, the unions have not announced an end date for the strike. In addition to the walkouts, experts expect demonstrations near ports, factories, or Inland Container Depots (ICDs).

During the labour action, it is likely that shipping and delivery delays will occur at Ulsan Port. Disruptions may persist after the strike as service providers strive to address existing backlogs.

Source: Crisis24