Port operations disrupted by truckers' strike at Chittagong Port

Port operations disrupted by truckers' strike at Chittagong Port

While operations at the port resumed on Thursday, 6 February, container movement delays are expected

by Manal Barakat, SeaNewsEditor

The Truckers Association's strike in Bangladesh on 4 February caused significant disruptions to container movements at Chittagong Port.

The strike started after a clash between truck drivers and security guards at DC Park in Chittagong following a road accident.

All port gates and roadways were blocked as a result of the protest.

Kuehne+Nagel reports that despite reaching a tentative agreement on 5 February, operations have not resumed consistently, as truck drivers renewed their protest the following morning to demand the arrest of individuals involved.

As a result, feeder vessels remained idle at berth, awaiting the resumption of port operations.

Today, local news reports that operations resumed after nearly a 34-hour stoppage and that container transport restarted early Thursday, 6 February. 

Delays are yet to be expected until the flow of operations returns to normal.

Source: Kuehne+Nagel, Apparel Resources, The Business Standard Bangladesh