Update: Panama Canal adds new slot in Neopanamax locks, raises draft levels

Update: Panama Canal adds new slot in Neopanamax locks, raises draft levels

The total number of daily transits in the Neopanamax and Panamax locks will be raised to 33 as of 11 July

Update: 11.06.2024

A new announcement reveals that the Panama Canal is adding another booking slot in the Neopanamax locks as of 11 July, "increasing the number of daily transits within Neopanamax and Panamax locks to 33."

In addition, the Canal decided to raise the maximum authorised draft level for vessels transiting the Neopanamax locks to 14.02 meters as of 15 June.

The authority mentioned that the rainy season has had a positive effect on the Canal's watershed so far, and it projects improved levels for Gatun Lake in the upcoming weeks.

Original article: 31.05.2024

The Panama Canal Authority (ACP) decided yesterday, 30 May, to increase the maximum authorised draft for vessels transiting the Neopanamax locks ahead of schedule.

Effective immediately, the new draft level is 13.71 m (45.0 feet).

In its statement, the authority said that the arrival of the rainy season in the Canal watershed allowed moving the implementation date forward.

The decision was made “based on the present and projected level of Gatun Lake for the following weeks.”

Earlier this month, the ACP also announced that it would increase the daily number of vessels transiting the waterway to 31 starting 16 May.

Source: Panama Canal