Peru extends state of emergency in seven regions

Peru extends state of emergency in seven regions

Protests are expected to continue this months with likely disruptions to transport

The government of Peru extended the state of emergency in seven Peruvian regions on Sunday. According to a report by France24, the regions of Madre de Dios, Cusco, Puno, Apurimac, Arequipa, Moquegua and Tacna will be affected by the decision, which will remain in effect for a period of 30 days. Peru has been witnessing two months of unrest, with protests erupting in December after the arrest of former president Pedro Castillo. Demonstrations are likely to continue in the upcoming weeks, causing transport disruption in the said regions. Peru’s capital, Lima, has also witnessed protests; however, it was not included in the extended state of emergency. The General Confederation of Workers of Peru (CGTP) has called for a nationwide indefinite strike from 9 February, says Crisis24. The CGTP brings together more than half of Peru's unions from several industries, including mining, construction, and education. “Blockades are still ongoing, with traffic disruptions reported on KM 140 of Carretera Central in Morococha, Yauli Province, Junin Department. Significant traffic disruptions have also been reported in Cusco Department, especially in Canchis, Anta, and La Convencion provinces,” reported Crisis24.
Source: Crisis 24, France 24