MSC Virgo calls Pointe-Noire expanding the carrier's African network

MSC Virgo calls Pointe-Noire expanding the carrier's African network

Three services call the port connecting Asia, Europe and Southern Africa to West Africa

The 15,000 TEU MSC Virgo called at Port of Pointe-Noire in Congo-Brazzaville on February 27, marking MSC’s renewed presence on the West African coast and commitment to investing in Africa. In an announcement, the world’s leading carrier said the vessel’s arrival is part of expansion plans to extend its sub-Saharan African network. MSC Virgo is deployed on the African Express service, directly connecting China, South Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia with the Pointe-Noire.

“The port of Pointe-Noire is strategic for MSC's operations in Central Africa and provides an essential link to the region. The new call will enable direct and quick exchanges with Asia and Europe. It also confirms the Port of Pointe-Noire's key position as a transhipments platform for goods destined for Angola and Namibia,” said the carrier.

MSC’s Africa Express, Angola service, and Matadi feeder call Pointe-Noire. Together with its intermodal solutions to/from Pointe-Noire and Matadi, these offer “a seamless end-to-end experience”, said the shipping line. The Angola service was reshuffled in January this year to include Pointe-Noire connecting Asian and Indian markets to the southern African ports of Angola and Namibia. The Matadi Feeder sails between Pointe-Noire and Matadi, connecting the DRC with Asian, European and Indian markets.

At the 10th African CEO Forum last year, MSC CEO Soren Toft said, "I'm a big believer in Africa because I think the demographics speak for themselves: we all expect that Africa's 1.3 billion people will increase to more than 2 billion people in 30 years or so."

"If, like MSC, you have a long view over decades, then Africa is a place to invest. GDP-per-capita will definitely increase," he added

Source: Container Management, Bollore Africa Logistics, MSC