Workers at the Port of Buenos Aires strike indefinitely

Workers at the Port of Buenos Aires strike indefinitely

The union representing the workers estimates a daily loss of over $20m during the strike period

Local news from Argentina reported that workers at the Port of Buenos Aires started an indefinite strike on Wednesday, 8 February. Members of the labour union Association of Customs Brokers Employees (Asociacion de Empleados de Despachantes de Aduana, AEDA) have ceased their activities at APM terminals and the Terminales Rio de la Plata, according to Crisis24. The strike was initially planned for 24 hours; however, Raúl Vázquez, head of AEDA, announced that the strike action will continue until their demands are met. "If this is not resolved, we will not lift the measure, and we will maintain unemployment for an indefinite period,” Tiempo Argentino reported Vázquez as saying. Business and shipping disruptions at the port are likely to occur during the strike. The union announced that the strike "will affect the activity of foreign trade," estimating a daily of $23 million per day.
Source: Crisis24, Tiempo Argentino