Protest blocks arrival of vessel at Port Botany, Australia

Protest blocks arrival of vessel at Port Botany, Australia

ZIM's Contship Dax was diverted upon news of the pro-Palestine protest in Sydney

On Saturday, 11 November, Australian local news revealed that pro-Palestine activists blocked the arrival of a vessel at Port Botany in Sydney.

According to a report by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), the vessel in question was the Contship Dax, operated by Israeli company ZIM.

Upon news of the demonstrations, the ship's crew decided not to dock the vessel and to redirect its journey away from the port.

Local news further reveals that protesters gathered on land and also on jet skis adjacent to the container ship.

Contship Dax is a 1102-TEU container ship deployed on ZIM's TFX service.

Seaexplorer data shows that the ship is currently waiting to berth at Melbourne Port with predicted arrival on 16 November.

Protest blocks arrival of vessel at Port Botany, Australia

Source: 9News, Australian Broadcasting Corporation