Closures at main highway leading to Bremerhaven Port could last for weeks

Closures at main highway leading to Bremerhaven Port could last for weeks

Emergency renovations are planned for parts of the A27 highway after authorities discovered severe steel corrosion between the Uthlede and Hagen junctions

Parts of the A27, the only main highway leading to Bremerhaven Port in Germany, will be completely closed in both directions for at least four weeks.

A statement published by the Federal Autobahn Authority revealed that the A27 - between the Uthlede and Hagen junctions in the Cuxhaven district - was closed for traffic yesterday due to "a risk of the roadway subsiding."

"The Autobahn GmbH is currently examining the possibilities of a timely emergency renovation and a subsequent new building," said the statement.

Alternative routes were assigned for the time being to maintain access to the port and facilitate road traffic. However, all suggested alternatives will require additional travel time and delays are expected.

While the authorities anticipate around four weeks of preparation and construction, road closures may remain longer.

Closures at main highway leading to Bremerhaven Port could last for weeks

Source: Die Autobahn GmbH