China, Russia ban imports of Japanese seafood

China, Russia ban imports of Japanese seafood

The two economies cite concerns about treated radioactive water discharged from a nuclear power plant into the ocean

China and Russia imposed bans on imports of Japanese seafood after suspicions of dangerous levels of radioactive water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant, reveals a new report by Japan Times.

Concerns about treated radioactive water being released from the plant into the ocean appeared in August when the Japanese government started discharging water from Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, which was damaged in 2011 by a massive earthquake and tsunami.

China imposed the ban on Japanese seafood imports after the first round of water discharge. Russia is the second country to restrict Japanese seafood imports over the issue.

The Japanese government objected to the decision by the two countries, describing it as having "no scientific basis, is unjust and regrettable".

It further assured the public that the water is safe to consume and discharge into the ocean.

Source: Japan Times, Reuters