Australian port worker strike ‘imminent’

Australian port worker strike ‘imminent’

The Maritime Union of Australia said it had received near unanimous support for industrial action at some of the country’s largest ports

by Lloyd's List

11 September 2024 (Lloyd's List) - AUSTRALIAN dockworkers have voted almost overwhelmingly for industrial action in Brisbane, Melbourne and Port Kembla.

Bans and limitations on working at ports operated by logistics company QUBE Logistics are set to start as soon as this week, the Maritime Union of Australia said.

This action can include anything from a ban on overtime and driving above 15 km/h, while stoppages of anything from one hour to 24 hours are also possible.

The trade union said 99.2% of workers had voted for industrial action in a ballot in Brisbane, and 100% of workers balloted in Melbourne and Port Kembla voted in favoured for action.

The union accused QUBE of “rampant profiteering” and said the company had increased profits by 148% during the last four-year employment agreement cycle.

During that time, it said the “purchasing power of a wharfie” had been diminished by 14% due to inflation.

MUA deputy national secretary Warren Smith said QUBE’s profits were “delivered by wharfies”.

“We make it, they take it,” he said. “Well, our message to the bosses is that now it’s our turn, and we are going to fight to get our share.”

The most recent employment agreement ended in June 2024, but MUA said it had been negotiating a new deal as early as October 2023.

Strike action at those ports was now “imminent”, the union said.

Source: Lloyd's List