Argentina's tugboat sailors start 48-hour strike

Argentina's tugboat sailors start 48-hour strike

The strike will not impact port gates or container operations at terminals

Local media reported that the United Maritime Workers Union in Argentina called for a 48-hour strike starting today at all ports.

The labour action is expected to halt tugboat activities nationwide.

In a post on its Facebook page, the union cited the Chambre of Tug Owners' refusal to discuss labour agreements for its members.

The 48-hour stoppage started at 00:00 local time on Thursday, 6 June, and is expected to end at midnight on Friday, 7 June.

A Reuters report highlighted that the union decided to exclude tugboat services for vessels supplying thermoelectric power plants and LNG gas tankers.

According to the report, the decision comes in consideration of the energy supply shortages the country is facing.

However, tugboat sailors servicing other types of commercial vessels, including container ships, will join the strike.

Source: Guild World, Reuters, Sindicato de Obreros MarĂ­timos