Bremerhaven plans quay renovation to hold on to market share

Bremerhaven plans quay renovation to hold on to market share

The port requires federal funding to increase tenfold to support the project

Bremerhaven saw its market share drop by almost 9% in 2022, greater than that seen by other major European hubs, reports Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung (DVZ).

To ensure no further loss of market share, the state government of Bremen has appealed to the federal government to increase funding for ports to €380 million per year.

According to reports, the state said this would help Bremerhaven secure 2.8 kilometers of quay renovation which is necessary to remain competitive. In addition, dredging along the quay wall and outer Weser is also needed to accommodate the new generation of large container ships.

The state has already approved funding for the project, which it intends to begin by 2026-2027 latest, said Bremen's Senator for Science and Ports, Claudia Schilling. 

Terminal operator Eurograte stands behind the renovation, saying it is necessary for the first part of the quay to be ready by 2028. Michael Blach, Chairman of the Group Management of Eurogate said the terminal would invest in new cranes and other machinery for one or two new berths to accommodate containerships of up to 400m in length, reported the German news outlet.

He also emphasised the urgency to begin the project as soon as possible, considering competing ports such as Antwerp and Rotterdam have expansion plans too.

In addition, Eurogate plans to automate handling operations in the long term to improve efficiency. The planned quay renovations would be a prerequisite for this said Marc Dieterich, Managing Director of Eurogate Container Terminal Bremerhaven.

Bremerhaven, located directly at the North Sea provides easier access for large container vessels than its sister port Hamburg. It is Europe’s fourth-largest port and a leading transhipment hub for intermodal export and import cargo. 

Source: DVZ, Bremen Ports