World Shipping Council welcomes mandatory lost container reporting

World Shipping Council welcomes mandatory lost container reporting

The new regulations will take effect on January 1, 2026

3 June 2024 (Lloyd's List) - LOST containers must be reported under new rules agreed at the International Maritime Organization’s Marine Safety Committee.

Under new amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, known as Solas, masters will have to report any lost containers, their position and whether they contain dangerous goods to nearby ships, the nearest coastal state and the flag state.

The flag state will then log the lost containers with the IMO through its Global Integrated Shipping Information System.

Reports must be made as soon as possible, with updates given as soon as more information is available.

Masters of ships that observe drifting containers must also log them with nearby vessels and the flag state.

World Shipping Council senior vice-president Lars Kjaer welcomed the new regulations.

“The new regulations, specifically amending Solas Chapter V Regulations 31 and 32, mark a significant advancement in maritime safety and environmental protection,” he said.

“By ensuring prompt and detailed reporting of lost and drifting containers, these amendments will enhance navigational safety, facilitate swift response actions, and mitigate potential environmental hazards.”

The number of containers lost at sea has been decreasing steadily in recent years. The latest figures published by the WSC show just 661 lost containers in 2022, down from more than 2,000 in 2021 and nearly 4,000 in 2020.

The figures for 2023 are expected in the next few weeks.

Source: Lloyd's List