MSC and CMA CGM buy up more chartered containerships

MSC and CMA CGM buy up more chartered containerships

Secondhand enquiries have increased while MSC remains the most active player in the market

17 April 2024 (Lloyd's List) - MEDITERRANEAN Shipping Co is to expand its fleet with secondhand containerships and has now tied up deals for 15 vessels since the beginning of the year.

Brokers report that the world’s largest boxship operator is set to take over a pair of 2000s-built panamaxes, a sub-panamax and a regional feeder vessel.

The panamaxes comprise the 4,229 teu, 2006-built, Kilimanjaro (IMO: 9318175) and the 4,252 teu, 2003-built, Alexander Bay (IMO: 9238777).

Lloyd’s List Intelligence data show that the former vessel is owned by Israeli tonnage provider XT Management with Alexander Bay being controlled by CMB Financial Leasing. No price was disclosed.

MSC is also said to have purchased the 1,496 teu regional feeder AS Ragna (IMO: 9509774) and the 3,586 teu sub-panamax AS Nadia (IMO: 9321897) from Norwegian tonnage provider MPC Container Ships. 

According to Alphaliner, the 2007-built AS Nadia is already on time charter to MSC while the AS Ragna, built in 2009, is on hire to Zim.

With these latest deals, MSC has now purchased some 65 secondhand vessels since January 2023.


Braemar reports that the containership sale and purchase market has experienced a notable uptick in enquiry across all size segments.

It said the relatively few confirmed transactions reflect a shortage of realistic candidates rather than a lack of buying interest.

Alphaliner said that the strength of the charter market and few signs of overcapacity should encourage buyers to pay up to secure the tonnage they want.

Meanwhile, CMA CGM is said to have exercised a purchase option for a sub post-panamax containership, which has been on time charter to the company since delivery from its shipbuilder in 2008.

The 11,000 teu CMA CGM Vela (IMO: 9354923) has been purchased from Hamburg-based tonnage provider Claus Peter Offen for some $50m, reports Alphaliner.

In April 2023, the same operator concluded a similar deal with Claus Peter Offen to take over its 9,950 teu, 2008-built, CMA CGM Pelleas (IMO: 9365788) for $52.5m.

In the opposite direction, CMA CGM has sold the 2004-built, 5,782 teu, CMA CGM Bellini (IMO: 9280598) to undisclosed buyers for a reported $19m.

Rumoured containership sales include the 2012-built, Navios Containers Management-owned Fleur N. (IMO: 9509138). This 2012-built vessel is said to have been sold to Chinese buyers.

Source: Lloyd's List