by Manal Barakat, SeaNewsEditor
Container carrier Maersk reported significant financial results for 2024, marking the group's third-best annual result.
The company attributed this success to increased demand, enhanced productivity, and rigorous cost management.
"We successfully capitalized on increased demand while enhancing productivity and rigorously managing costs — all of which contributed to our strong financial performance," says Clerc.
For 2024, Maersk's EBIT increased by 65% to USD 6.5 billion. The Terminals and Ocean segments delivered strong financial results.
Revenue in the Ocean sector rose to USD 37.388 million in 2024, up from USD 33.653 million in 2023.
Looking ahead to 2025, Maersk expects its container volumes to grow at 4%, which aligns with market expectations. However, the overall financial forecast of the group is contingent on the reopening of the Red Sea.
Despite the positive financial results, Clerc acknowledged the challenges in scaling the logistics business.
He noted that there is still room for improvement in the middle and last miles of the logistics offering.
About the company's plans for new boxships, Clerc reiterated that Maersk would not follow the newbuilding programmes of its European rivals, MSC and CMA CGM.
“We have been very clear on what we want to do with ocean shipping, which is to stay where we are. We don’t see any correlation between size and increased margin,” says Clerc.